Pregnant mother reading on ipad

Cord Blood & Tissue Banking

  • Does having a c-section affect collection?

    The collection process proceeds essentially the same way with a cesarean section as it would in natural birth. ViaCord provides an FDA-approved, pre-loaded cord blood collection bag for use in sterile C-sections.

  • How long can cord blood be stored for?

    To date, there is no evidence that cord blood will ever expire. Recent studies published in Stem Cell Translation Medicine found cryopreserving cord blood stem cells for extended periods doesn't affect their ability to function effectively. The 27-year study and 29-year study add to a growing body of research demonstrating the value of cord blood banking.

  • Can I still bank if I'm doing delayed cord clamping?

    The short answer - yes! The timing of cord clamping is a personal decision that should discussed your healthcare provider. Cord blood and tissue collection start after the cord is cut, whenever that is. If your cord blood sample doesn't meet our recommended minimum to store, we’ll let you know. Delayed clamping doesn’t affect cord tissue collection.

  • Why is a maternal blood sample required?

    Regulations require infectious disease testing to be performed on a sample of maternal blood. Treating physicians require the results of this test when considering your child’s cord blood for use in treatment or research.

  • Can I bank if I live outside the U.S.?

    It’s your delivery location that matters. We can process collections for deliveries that take place within the United States and Puerto Rico regardless of residency. An additional $450 shipping charge is added to collections that take place in Puerto Rico.

  • How are cord blood and cord tissue different?

    The difference is the type of stem cells found in each source. Cord blood contains Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs), which are responsible for creating all types of blood cells that build and maintain our blood and immune system including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Cord tissue contains Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) which have a natural anti-inflammatory and regeneration properties have the potential to develop into various types of cells, including bone, cartilage, muscle, and nerve cells. 

  • What if I need to use my stored cells?

    This is a medical decision that needs to be made by the patient’s physician. The physician will determine if using your stored stem cells may be a viable option. You can find more details on the ViaCord Customers

  • What is microbial testing?

    After the stem cells are collected, they are sent to the ViaCord lab for testing and processing. One of the tests we are required to complete is testing for the presence of microbes (i.e. bacteria, fungi). We perform this testing to provide your healthcare provider with complete information about your newborn stem cells in case you ever need to use your unit. 

  • When will I receive my ViaCord Collection Kit?

    Collection kits are shipped to arrive by week 27 in the pregnancy. If you are due less than 13 weeks away, the kit will arrive shortly.

  • Why did my child's stem cell unit test positive for microbials?

    During the birth process, the umbilical cord can come into contact with microbes that are naturally occurring within and around the body. Although rare, even when all precautions are taken during the stem cell collection, there is always a risk of bacteria making its way into the stem cell collection. Regardless of microbial testing results, ViaCord will store the newborn stem cells. 

  • Will I be charged a fee by my healthcare provider for the collection?

    Some healthcare providers will charge a fee for the collection — but it is at their discretion. You should discuss this matter with your caregiver prior to delivery.

DNA & Genomics

  • Why use cord blood for testing?

    Using a small sample of cord blood offers parents who are planning to bank an incredibly convenient way to benefit from early insights and detection that genetic tests can provide. Cord blood can be used for multiple testing options.


  • Is Whole Genome Sequencing for my newborn worth it?

    A retrospective study published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) found 1 in 12 apparently healthy newborns who used ViaCord's Whole Genome Sequencing carried genetic findings that could impact their health from an early age. 47% of these findings were associated with health conditions that could benefit from early intervention and medical management. 

    View the publication 

  • Do you offer genetic tests for adults?

    Yes! Depending on what your goal is with testing we offer Whole Genome Sequencing and myDNA Personalized Wellness

  • How long does it take to get test results?

    Timing of results depends on the test ordered:

    Genetic Insights Panel - approximately 4-6 weeks 
    Newborn Digestive Health - approximately 6-8 weeks
    Whole Genome Sequencing - approximately 6-10 weeks


Billing & Payment

  • How do I contact billing?

    Our Billing Team's operating hours are Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Eastern Time). You can reach them by phone 800-991-2483 or email

  • Will I receive an invoice when payments are due?

    Your credit card will be charged automatically according to the payment plan you selected at the time of enrollment. A $150 fee will be charged if service is discontinued prior to delivery. Please be aware some. OBs charge a fee to collect cord blood. You should discuss this matter with your caregiver prior to delivery.

  • When is my annual storage fee due?

    Your annual storage fee is due each year during the month of your child's birthday. If you have provided a credit card at the time of enrollment, ViaCord will automatically charge your annual fee to the card we have on file. 

  • How do I update my credit card on file?

    You can update your card details online using myAccount. Simply log in, click the Billing tab, then Update your card details tab. You can also update it or over the phone with our Billing Team by calling 800-991-2483

  • How can I find out what payment plan I signed up for?

    You can see your payment schedule online using myAccount. Simply log in, click the Billing tab, then Billing Schedule tab. You can also contact our Billing Team at 800-991-2483


  • How long has ViaCord been around?

    ViaCord started in 1993 as a family cord blood bank.

  • Does ViaCord have a referral rewards program?

    Yes! And our customers love it because you can earn a free year of cord blood storage for each friend you refer who banks with ViaCord. Head over to our Refer a Friend page for more details.

  • Who is ViaCord's parent company?

    ViaCord is proud to be backed by the strength and expertise of our parent company Revvity , a global leader in diagnostics and life sciences committed to solving the world's most pressing health challenges. 

  • How do I sign up again if I'm having another baby and want to bank?

    First, congratulations! We know pregnancy is a busy time and your growing family keeps you even busier. We'd love to connect at your convenience and bring you up to speed on what’s changed since you last banked with us. Give us a call when you're ready 877-856-4802 

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