Cord Blood & Regenerative Medicine

A new hope for cord blood use in regen med research

Cord Blood Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine

The therapeutic potential of cord blood continues to grow.

Researchers are probing for new possibilities using cord blood in a new and exciting area of known as regenerative medicine.

Regenerative medicine is the science of living cells being used to potentially regenerate or facilitate the repair of cells damaged by disease, genetics, injury or simply aging by stimulating the body's own repair mechanisms.

It's estimated that 1 in 3 people will benefit from regenerative medicine in their lifetime. Thanks to ongoing research efforts using cord blood, families are benefiting from regenerative medicine today. For some families who have faced life-altering medical conditions, participation in regenerative medicine research using their banked cord blood was a gift that cannot be measured.

Cord Blood & Regen Med

Why cord blood stem cells? Think about it: the natural power and purity of your newborn's cord blood are responsible for healthy development during pregnancy. So it makes sense that they are the ones most likely to be called upon when studying ways in which science can help restore health.

In The News: Cord Blood & Regen Med

Cord blood applications have expanded beyond transplant medicine into areas of regenerative medicine in Clinical Research Trials for certain brain disorders.

Autism and Cord Blood

Meet The Krebbs Family

Cord Blood & Autism

After demonstrating cord blood's safety in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) researchers completed a Phase I/II Clinical Trial to determine the effects of using a child's own cord blood or unrelated donor cord blood in children with ASD. Many ViaCord families participated in this innovative research to help kids with conditions once thought untreatable. Results were published in The Journal of Pediatrics (May 2020). 

Read the Publication: A Phase II Randomized Clinical Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Umbilical Cord Blood Infusion for Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Cord Blood & Cerebral Palsy

A clinical trial at Duke University recently showed that an infusion of a child's own cord blood appears to improve brain connectivity and motor function in children with cerebral palsy.  Twenty ViaCord families participated in this exciting research. Results were published in Stem Cell Translational Medicine. A third study is now underway to determine the safety of using a sibling's cord blood. 

Learn more about cord blood and cerebral palsy

Cord Blood and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), a complex and rare heart defect present at birth in which the left side of a child's heart is severely underdeveloped. The Mayo Clinic is using cord blood in clinical trials as a potential regenerative therapy to aid in the treatment of HLHS.

Learn more about this exciting research

Other Areas Of Regenerative Medicine Using Cord Blood In Research

Brain Injury:  Stroke 68  and  Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HI) 108

Cardiac:  Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome  (HLHS) 119

Hearing:  Acquired Hearing Loss 118

Autoimmune Deficiencies:  Type 1 Diabetes 84

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