References Directory

1. ViaCord has released over 500 stem cell units for medical and clinical trial use, more than any other family bank. Units were used for both transplants and infusions.

Data on file as of September 2020. View ViaCord's Cord Blood Use Summary.

2. Currently, cord blood has been used in the treatment of nearly 80 diseases.

Moise K Jr. Umbilical cord stem cells. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;106(6):1393-1407.

DMost of the diseases on this list are inherited genetic diseases.  Typically, these treatments require a donor transplant, such as from a sibling.  If your child needs a donor, a family member is always the first-choice source.  Treatments for cancers like neuroblastoma can use a child’s own cord blood.  Although the potential use of newborn stem cells is expanding rapidly, the odds a family member without a defined risk will need to use their child’s stem cells are low.  Banking cord blood does not guarantee that treatment will be effective and only a treating physician can determine when it can be used.

3a. Since 2000, cord blood is the fastest growing source of stem cells in pediatric transplants and make up more than 1/2 of all pediatric transplants.

National Marrow Donor Program®. Number of Unrelated Transplants, Pediatric Recipients, by Cell Source. [directory title] Transplants by Cell Source - Pediatric Recipients (younger than 18 years) [chart title] Accessed August 20, 2014.

3b. In 2000, only 1% of all transplants involved the use of cord blood stem cells. Cord Blood transplants are involved in 16% of all stem cell transplants.

National Marrow Donor Program®. Number of Unrelated Donor Transplants, by Cell Source. [directory title] Tranplants by Cell Source. [chart title] Accessed August 20, 2014.

4. More than 40,000 umbilical cord blood transplants have been performed worldwide.

Ballen, K. (2017, August 24). Update on umbilical cord blood transplantation. Retrieved August 14, 2020, from

5. More than 500,000 newborns’ stem cells have been entrusted to ViaCord.

Data on file.

6. CPD collection bags yield 33% more TNCs and 58% more CD34+ stem cells than heparin collection bags.

Kraus M, Foster K, Bridges AR, Walters MC. Cord blood units collected with liquid CPD appear to contain significantly more nucleated and CD34+ cells than units collected with dry heparin. Study sponsored by ViaCord. Paper presented at: 51st American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition; December 5-8, 2009; New Orleans, LA. Abstract 4227.

7a. There was rapid engraftment with a low rate of GVHD in a clinical transplantation study that combined cord tissue and cord blood stem cells.

Wu KH, Sheu JN, Wu HP, et al. Cotransplantation of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells promote hematopoietic engraftment in cord blood transplantation: a pilot study. Transplantation. 2013 Mar 15;95(5):773-7. doi:10.1097/TP.0b013e31827a93dd.

7b. Up to 6-fold increase in engrafted cells for transplant when cord blood and cord tissue stem cells are combined in a pre-clinical setting.

Taghizadeh RR, Pollok KE, Betancur M, et al. Wharton’s jelly derived mesenchymal stem cells: regenerative medicine beyond umbilical cord blood. Presented at: First Meeting of the Placenta Stem Cell Society (IPLASS). From Fetomaternal Tolerance to Immunomodulary Properties of Placenta-Derived Cells in Cell Therapy [poster abstract]; October 3–6, 2010; Brescra, Italy. [As measured by CD45+]

8. Engraftment is an important predictor of a successful transplant.

Laughlin MJ, Barker J, Bambach B, et al. Hematopoietic engraftment and survival in adult recipients of umbilical-cord blood from unrelated donors. N Engl J Med. 2001;344(24):1815–1822.

9.Outcome of Cord-Blood Transplantation from Related and Unrelated Donors

Eliane Gluckman, M.D., Vanderson Rocha, M.D., Agnès Boyer-Chammard, M.D., Franco Locatelli, M.D., William Arcese, M.D., Ricardo Pasquini, M.D., Juan Ortega, M.D., Gérard Souillet, M.D., Euripedes Ferreira, M.D., Jean-Philippe Laporte, M.D., Manuel Fernandez, M.D., and Claude Chastang, M.D., Ph.D. for the Eurocord Transplant Group and the European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group*

9a. 88% survival rate, 1 year. Data on file. As of 2012.

9b. The chance of survival 8 years post-transplant with a ViaCord-stored family unit is 82%.

Walters MC, Edwards S, Robertson S, Falcon K, Briddell R, Lubin B. Sibling donor cord blood transplantation for hemoglobinopathies. Abstract presented at: 8th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Symposium; June 3-5, 2010; San Francisco, CA. 116 of 132 patients treated by January 2012. The overall probability of survival; based on Kaplan-Meier probability curves.

10. Approximately 70% of attempted umbilical cord blood collections do not satisfy public cord blood banking requirements for storage and are discarded.

Moise K Jr. Umbilical cord stem cells. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;106(6):1393–1407.

12. ViaCord recovers stem cells from all 3 primary sources in the umbilical cord including the perivascular region.

Data on file.

11. The FDA recommends only citrate-based anticoagulants, such as CPD, for use in cord blood collection.

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, US Department of Health and Human Services. Guidance for industry: minimally manipulated, unrelated allogeneic placental/umbilical cord blood intended for hematopoietic reconstitution for specified indications.  March 2014

13. Of ViaCord's units used in treatment, 40% have been for autologous treatments & 60% have been for allogeneic. (as of January 2013)

Data on file.

14. ViaCord has a treatment ready option for cord tissue stem cells. ViaCord’s cord tissue processing method, which extracts stem cells prior to storage, recovers up to eight times more mesenchymal stem cells compared to that of stored segments or pieces of the umbilical cord.

Briddell R, Litkenhaus F, Foertsch G, Fuhrmann A, Foster K, Falcon Girard K, Fiscus B, Boehm A, Brown M, Pettit M, Rigas Bridges A, Nichols K, Fodor W and Kraus M. Recovery of viable MSCs isolated from fresh umbilical cord tissue, measured after cryopreservation, is on average 8-fold higher when compared to recovery of viable MSCs isolated from previously cryopreserved umbilical cord tissue. Study sponsored by ViaCord. ASH Abstract submitted 2011 Aug. 11

15. It's estimated that 1 in 3 people may benefit from regenerative medicine therapy for a range of illnesses, including: stroke, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, and type 1 diabetes.

Harris DT. Cord blood stem cells: a review of potential neurological applications. Stem Cell Rev. 2008;4:269-274. Epub August 5, 2008

16. The probability of finding a donor stem cell source through a public bank is low. Banking cord blood with a family bank increases the chances of having a matched unit available.

Beatty PG, Boucher KM, Mori M, Milford EL. Probability of finding HLA-mismatched related or unrelated marrow or cord blood donors. Hum Immunol. 2000;61(8):834-840.
Gluckman E, Rocha V, et al. Factors associated with outcomes of unrelated cord blood transplant: Guidelines for donor choice. Experimental Hematology. 32 (2004) 397–407.

17. The chance of survival 1 year post transplant with a donated cord blood unit is 54%.

National Marrow Donor Program®. Outcomes in unrelated hematopoietic cell transplantation: applying new data for referral and decision making. Minneapolis, MN: National Marrow Donor Program®; 2009.

18. Perivascular MSCs can be easily expanded.

Sarugaser R, Lickorish D, Baksh D, Hosseini MM, Davies JE. Human umbilical cord perivascular (HUCPV) cells: a source of mesenchymal progenitors. Stem Cells. 2005;23(2):220-229

19. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent cells capable of differentiating into neuronal, pancreatic, hepatic, connective and structural tissues, giving them immense therapeutic potential.

O’Brien TA, Tiedemann K, Vowels MR. No longer a biological waste product: umbilical cord blood. Med J Aust. 2006;184(8):407-410. Troyer DL, Weiss ML. Concise review: Wharton’s jelly-derived cells are a primitive stromal cell population. Stem Cells. 2008;26(3):591-599.

20. Pre-clinical Cord Tissue Stem Cell Research for Parkinson's Disease

Fu YS, Cheng YC, Lin MY, et al. Conversion of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in Wharton’s jelly to dopaminergic neurons in vitro: potential therapeutic application for Parkinsonism. Stem Cells. 2006;24(1):115-124. Epub 2005 Aug

21. Pre-clinical Cord Tissue Stem Cell Research for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Liu Y, Mu R, Wang S, et al. Therapeutic potential of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2010;12(6):R210.

22. Pre-clinical Cord Tissue Stem Cell Research for Stroke

Ding DC, Shyu WC, Chiang MF, et al. Enhancement of neuroplasticity through upregulation of ß1-integrin in human umbilical cord-derived stromal cell implanted stroke model. Neurobiol Dis. 2007;27(3):339-353. Epub 2007 Jun 18.

23. Pre-clinical Cord Tissue Stem Cell Research for Type 1 Diabetes

Anzalone R, Lo Iacono M, Loria T, et al. Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells as candidates for beta cells regeneration: extending the differentiative and immunomodulatory benefits of adult mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Stem Cell Rev. October 23, 2010. [Epub ahead of print.]

24. Pre-clinical Cord Tissue Stem Cell Research for Liver Fibrosis

Tsai PC, Fu TW, Chen YM, et al. The therapeutic potential of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton’s jelly in the treatment of rat liver fibrosis. Liver Transpl. 2009;15(5):484-495.

25. Pre-clinical Cord Tissue Stem Cell Research for Lung Cancer

Maurya DK, Doi C, Kawabata A, et al. Therapy with un-engineered naïve rat umbilical cord matrix stem cells markedly inhibits growth of murine lung adenocarcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2010;10:590.

26. Pre-clinical Cord Tissue Stem Cell Research for Sports Injuries (cartilage)

Wang L, Tran I, Seshareddy K, et al. A comparison of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for cartilage tissue engineering. Tissue Eng. 2009;15(8)(pt A):2259-2266.

27. Cord Tissue stem cells are immunologically naive and more amenable to environmental change.

Troyer DL, Weiss ML. Concise Review: Wharton’s jelly-derived cells are a primitive stromal cell population. Stem Cells. 2008;26:591-599.

28. Duke University: Phase I clinical trial using autologous cord blood to treat children with cerebral palsy.

Kurtzberg J. Status of a clinical trial of autologous cord blood stem cells for the treatment of cerebral palsy and other acquired brain injuries in young children. Poster presented at: 8th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Symposium; June 3–5, 2010; San Francisco, CA.

29. Duke University: Phase II clinical trial using autologous cord blood to treat children with cerebral palsy.

National Institutes of Health, A randomized study of autologous umbilical cord blood reinfusion in children with cerebral palsy. Identifier NCT01147653. Accessed November 21, 2011.

30. MD Anderson Cancer Center, Cancer: Ongoing collaboration to increase the total number of stem cells available from a single cord blood unit for adult transplants.

Robbins S. New development in umbilical cord blood technologies. ASCR Network. march-2009/373-new-developments- in-umbilical-cord-bloodtechnologies.html. Accessed November 21, 2011.

31. University of Massachusetts, Immunomodulation: Investigating the immune modulation of autoimmune T cells in type 1 diabetes using cord tissue MSCs.

Robbins S. New development in umbilical cord blood technologies. ASCR Network. march-2009/373-new-developments- in-umbilical-cord-bloodtechnologies.html. Accessed November 21, 2011.

32. Diabetes Center for Excellence: Studying the cotransplantation of cord blood HSCs and cord tissue MSCs in a pre-clinical model of diabetes.

Data on file. Diabetes Center for Excellence. Worcester, MA.

33. University of Toronto, Joint Inflammation: Researching the efficacy of human umbilical cord perivascular MSCs to reduce pain in inflamed human knee joints.

Data on file. University of Toronto.

34. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Cord Tissue Stem Cell Safety: Evaluating the safety and pluripotency of cord tissue MSCs in animal models.

Data on file. Brigham & Women’s Hospital Transplantation Research Center.

35. Miracle Babies, Premature Births: Researching optimal collection methods for umbilical cord blood and cord tissue stem cells following premature births.

Data on file. ViaCord® cord blood banking business collaborates with Miracle Babies to improve collection of stem cells from premature births for potential therapeutic use. Data on File. Accessed December 22, 2011.

36. US Patent #5,919,702: For the expansion of stem cells from cord tissue.

Purchio AF, Naughton BA, Román JA, inventors; Advanced Tissue Science, assignee. Production of cartilage tissue using cells isolated from Wharton’s jelly. US patent 5,919,702. July 6, 1999.

37. US Patent #7,452,529: For the treatment of muscular dystrophy using stem cells from cord blood.

Brown RH Jr, Finklestein SP, Kraus M, inventors; Viacell, Inc, The General Hospital Corporation, assignees. Treatment of muscular dystrophy with cord blood cells. US patent 7,452,529. November 18, 2008.

38. US Patent #7,556,801: For the treatment of cardiac disease using USSCs from cord blood.

Wernet P, inventor; Kourion Therapeutics GmbH, assignee. Human cord blood derived unrestricted somatic stem cells (USSC). US patent 7,556,801. July 7, 2009.

39. US Patent #7,811,557: For the treatment of stroke using purified cord blood stem cells.

Kraus M, Finklestein S, Clark P, inventors; Viacell Inc, The General Hospital Corporation, assignees. Methods for improving central nervous system functioning. US patent 7,811,577. October 12, 2010.

40. US Patent #7,547,546: For the extraction of perivascular stem cells from cord tissue.

Davies JE, Baksh D, Sarugaser R, Hosseini M, Lickorish ADS, inventors; Tissue Regeneration Therapeutics Inc, assignee. Progenitor cells from Wharton’s jelly of human umbilical cord. US patent 7,547,546. June 16, 2009.

41. MSCs are readily accessible at birth from the umbilical cord and can be collected and stored for future use.

Troyer DL, Weiss ML. Concise review: Wharton's jelly-derived cells are a primitive stromal cell population. Stem Cells. 2008; 26(3):591-599.

42. HSCs are capable of generating the multitude of cell types found in the bloodstream, including red blood cells or erythrocytes; different types of white blood cells, such as lymphocytes and neutrophils; and megakaryocytes which ultimately form platelets.

Metcalf D. Concise review: hematopoietic stem cells and tissue stem cells. Stem Cells. 2007;25:2390-2395.

43. HSCs are currently used to treat a wide variety of disorders, including: hematologic and nonhematologic cancers, autoimmune disorders, certain anemias, and immunodeficiency disorders.

Copelan EA. Hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. N Engl J Med. 2006;354:1813-1826.

44. Cord blood stem cell transplants require less stringent HLA-matching and cause less frequent graft-vs-host disease than stem cell transplants using bone marrow.

Ooi J. Cord blood transplantation in adults. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2009;44:661-666.

45. Transplant outcomes are better with related cord blood donor cells compared with unrelated cord blood or bone marrow donor cells.

Gluckman E, Rocha V, Boyer-Chammard A, et al. For the Eurocord Transplant Group and the European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group. N Engl J Med. 1997;337:373-381.

Rocha V, Wagner JE, Sobocinski KA, et al. For the Eurocord and International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry Working Committee on Alternative Donor and Stem Cell Sources. Graft-vs-host disease in children who have received a cord-blood or bone marrow transplant from an HLA-identical sibling. N Engl J Med. 2000;342:1846-1854.

46. Racial and ethnic heritage are very important factors. Patients are most likely to match someone of their own race or ethnicity. Minority populations are under-served in the current public registries.

National Marrow Donor Program®. FAQs about Joining the Registry. Accessed April 10, 2014

47. Cord blood can treat hematologic cancers, bone marrow failures, hemoglobinopathies, hematologic cancer, immune deficiencies, and genetic disorders.

Moise KL Jr. Umbilical cord stem cells. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;106:1393-1407.

48. MSCs can readily differentiate.

Helmy KY, Patel SA, Silverio K, et al. Stem cells and regenerative medicine: accomplishments to date future promise. Ther Deliv. 2010;1:693-705.

49. The ability to expand perivascular MSCs rapidly may reduce the time between decision to transplant/infuse and the time required for engraftment, potentially improving outcomes.

Mayani H. Notch signaling: from stem cell expansion to improving cord blood transplantation. Expert Rev Hematol. 2010;3(4)401-404.

50. Transplant success rates for patients who received cord blood stem cells from related sources were more than double the success rates for patients who received cord blood stem cells from an unrelated source.

Gluckman E, Rocha V, Boyer-Chammard A, et al. Outcome of cord-blood transplantation from related and unrelated donors. Eurocord Transplant Group and The European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group. N Engl J Med. 1997;337:373-381.

51. Roughly 50% of all patients in need of a donor will not find a bone marrow match from a family member or the national registry.

Committee on Establishing a National Cord Blood Stem Cells Bank Program, Institute of Medicine. Cord Blood: Establishing a National Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank Program. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2005.

52. Less than 1 in 3 patients will find a suitable bone marrow match from a family member.

Vladareanu AM et al. Medica. 2007;2:50-60.

53. Researchers projected a probability of 1 in 1666 for autologous and allogeneic transplants by the age of 20 and a probability of 1 in 217 by age 70.

Nietfield JJ, Pasquini MC, Logan BR, Verter, Horowitz MM. Lifetime probabilities of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the U.S. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2008;14:316-322.

54. Assumptions made when calculating odds of needing a transplant: current diagnoses indicated for HSCT, no restriction to the HLA-sibling donor, transplant utilization rate of 15-20%.

Einstein FH, Merkatz IR. An OB's guide to cord blood banking. Contemporary OBGYN. 2008;October (suppl):1-15.

55. Long-term survival rates for thalassemia and sickle cell are 96% and 83%, respectively, after HLA-identical sibling cord blood transplantation.

Data on file. Sibling Donor Cord Blood Transplantation data. January 2012.

56. Collecting and preserving as many available TNCs is critical.

Rubinstein P, Carrier C, Scaradavou A, Kurtzberg J, et al. Outcomes among 562 recipients of placental-blood transplants from unrelated donors. N Engl J Med. 1998;339(24):1565-1577.

57. Not all companies can report valuable CD34+ cell count information to a transplant center.

Laughlin MJ, Barker J, Bambach B, et al. Hematopoietic engraftment and survival in adult recipients of umbilical-cord blood from unrelated donors. N Engl J Med. 2001;344(24):1815-1822.

58. [NOT FOUND] pre-clinical studies using mesenchymal stem cells from cord tissue have emerged to better understand their potential value

59. Dr. Hal Broxmeyer's laboratory tests showed that after 21 years of cryogenic preservation the thawed cord blood stem cells could be transplanted and could still engraft and help an immune system create new healthy stem cells.

Broxmeyer HE, et al. Hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, generation of induced pluripotent stem cells, and isolation of endothelial progenitors from 21 – 23.5-year cryopreserved cord blood. Blood. 2011. 117(18): 4773-4777. doi:10.1182/blood-2011-01-330514

60. Scientists have concluded that properly stored cord blood units can stay viable indefinitely.

Linden JV, Preti RA, Dracker R. New York state guidelines for cord blood banking.Journal of Hematotherapy. 1997;6:535-41.

Scaradavou, Stevens, Dobrila, Sung, Ruinstein. “Age” of the cord blood (CB) unit: Impact of long-term cryopreservation and storage on transplant outcomes. Abstract presented at: 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology; 2008.

61. What is Parkinson's Disease?

62. What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

63. The role and therapeutic implications of fibroblast-like synoviocytes in inflammation and cartilage erosion in rheumatoid arthritis.

Erika H. Noss Michael B. Brenner First published: 08 July 2008 ;

64. Incidence rate of Lung Cancer.

65. What is Liver Fibrosis?

66. Incidence rate of Type 1 Diabetes

Posted June 5, 2008. US News & World Report. Sunlight, Vitamin D May Cut Kids' Diabetes Risk.

67. The average size of a ViaCord unit used for transplant contains nearly 1 billion TNCs.

Data on file.

68. Cord Blood is being studied in the treatment of stroke.

O'Brian TA, Tiedemann K, Vowels MR. No longer a biological waste product: umbilical cord blood. Med J Aust. 2006;184(8):407-410.

69. Cord blood is being researched in the treatment of heart disease.

Harris DT, Badowski M, Ahmad N, Gaball MA. The potential of cord blood stem cells for use in regenerative medicine. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2007;7(9):1311-1322.

70. Perivascular MSCs are being studied to treat cardiac inflammation.

Dayan V, Yannarelli G, Billia F, et al. Mesenchymal stromal cells mediate a switch to alternatively activated monocytes/macrophages after acute myocardial infarction. Basic Res Cardiol. 2011;106(6):1299-1310.

71. Perivascular MSCs are being researched to treat connective tissue healing.

Sarugaser R, Lickorish D, Baksh D, Hosseini MM, Davies JE. Human umbilical cord perivascular (HUCPV) cells: a source of mesenchymal progenitors. Stem Cells. 2005;23(2):220-229.

72. Perivascular MSCs are being studied to treat dermal healing.

Zebardast N, Lickorish D, Davies JE. Human umbilical cord perivascular cells (HUCPVC): a mesenchymal cell source for dermal wound healing. Organogenesis. 2010;6(4):197-203.

73. Currently, collections from over one million children are being stored in private family banks.

Data on File.

74. Cord blood is being studied to determine the effect on Autism.

Clinical Accessed February 5, 2013.

75. Cord blood is being studied to determine the safety and efficacy with spinal cord injuries.

Clinical Accessed February 5, 2013.

76. Cord Tissue is being studied to treat breast cancer.

Ayuzawa, R. et al. Naive human umbilical cord matrix derived stem cells significantly attenuate growth of human breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Lett 280, 31-7 (2009).

77. The first cord blood transplant was performed in 1988 to treat Fanconi's Anemia.

Broxmeyer, H. E., Cooper, S., Hangoc, G., Gluckman, E., Auerbach, A., Douglas, G. W., Friedman, H., Kurtzberg, J., Bard, J. and Boyse, E. A. (1990), Human umbilical cord blood: A clinically useful source of transplantable hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. The International Journal of Cell Cloning, 8: 76–91. doi: 10.1002/stem.5530080708

78. Muscular Dystrophy has been the subject of research with cord blood.

Committee on Establishing a National Cord Blood Stem Cell Bank Program. Cord Blood: Establishing a National Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank Program. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.

79. 9,000 Patients dies a year waiting for a bone marrow match in the United States.

Perlow J. Cord Blood Banking: an OB's Perspective. Contemporary OBGYN. Nov 2002.

80. Conditioning patients for transplantation.

81. The degree of HLA mismatch that can be tolerated is greater with cord blood than bone marrow.

82. Cord blood stem cells has been used to treat leukemias and lymphomas.

O’Brien TA, Tiedemann K, Vowels MR. No longer a biological waste product: umbilical cord blood. Med J Aust. 2006 184(8):407–410.

83. Some anemias, bone marrow failure disorders and cancers can be treated with a child's own cord blood stem cells.

O’Brien TA, Tiedemann K, Vowels MR. No longer a biological waste product: umbilical cord blood. Med J Aust. 2006 184(8):407–410.

Harris DT, Badowski M, Ahmad N, Gaballa MA. The potential of cord blood stem cells for use in regenerative medicine. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2007;7(9):1311–1322.

84. Clinical trials are being conducted to test the utility of autologous umbilical cord blood infusions to treat autism, cerebral palsy, and type 1 diabetes.

National Institutes of Health, Autologous Cord Blood Stem Cells for Autism. Identifier NCT01638819. Accessed March 9, 2015.

National Institutes of Health, Umbilical Cord Blood Infusion to Treat Type 1 Diabetes. Identifier NCT00305344. Accessed September 11, 2012.

National Institutes of Health, A Randomized Study of Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood Reinfusion in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Identifier NCT01147653. Accessed September 11, 2012.

85. Clinical trial using cord blood stem cells in the treatment of heart disease.

Sodian R, Lueders C, Kraemer L, et al. Tissue engineering of autologous human heart valves using cryopreserved vascular umbilical cord cells. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006;81(6):2207-2216.

86. Clinical trial using cord blood stem cells in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Ende N, Chen R, Ende-Harris D. Human umbilical cord blood cells ameliorate Alzheimer's disease in transgenic mice. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School. J Med. 2001;32(3-4):241-7.

Lee HJ, Lee JK, Lee H, Carter JE, Chang JW, Oh W, Yang YS, Suh JG, Lee BH, Jin HK, Bae JS. Human umilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells improve neuropathology and cognitive impairment in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model through modulation of neuroinflammation. Neurobiol Aging. 2012 Mar;33(3): 588-602.

87. Clinical trial using cord tissue stem cells in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.

Nanjing University Medical College Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital. Safety and Efficacy of Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Patients With Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica. Identifier NCT01364246. Accessed May 2, 2014. 

Translational Biosciences. Feasibility Study of Human Umbilical Cord Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis. Identifier NCT02034188. Accessed May 2, 2014.

Freedman, M. S., A. Bar-Or, H. L. Atkins, D. Karussis, F. Frassoni, H. Lazarus, N. Scolding, S. Slavin, K. Le Blanc, and A. Uccelli. "The Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation as a Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis: Consensus Report of the International MSCT Study Group." Multiple Sclerosis 16.4 (2010): 503-10.

88. ViaCord's laboratory is AABB accredited, CLIA certified, and FDA registered.

89. ViaCord's Lab has a class 100,000 clean room.

Data on file.

90. ViaCord has a FEMA grade storage vault at the processing laboratory.

Data on file.

91. Some companies ask that you collect a 4-8 inch segment of the umbilical cord when collecting cord tissue.

Data on file.

92. Collaborating with Duke University: ViaCord provides cord blood for use in clinical trials to treat cerebral palsy and other acquired brain injuries in children.

Data on file.

93. In 2004, the first human clinical trial using mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow was conducted.

Le Blanc K., Rasmusson I., Sundberg B., Gotherstrom C., Hassan M., Uzunel M., Ringden O. (2004). Treatment of severe acute graft-versus-host disease with third party haploidentical mesenchymal stem cells. Lancet 363, 1439–1441.10.1016/S0140-6736(04)16104-7.

94. There are currently over 50 clinical trials using mesenchymal stem cells from cord tissue.

Davies J.E., The Roadmap to Clinical Utility: Cord Tissue Mesenchymal Cells. Contemporary OBGYN. 2013;October (suppl):1-16.

98. Purer stem cells are generally more amenable to regenerative medicine.

J.M. Alonso III, D.M. Regan, C.E. Johnson, D.A. Oliver, R. Fegan, L.C. Lasky, D.A. Wall, A simple and reliable procedure for cord blood banking, processing, and freezing: St Louis and Ohio Cord Blood Bank experiences, Cytotherapy, Volume 3, Issue 6, November 2001, Pages 429-433, ISSN 1465-3249,

99. Purer stem cells are generally more amenable to regenerative medicine.

Birgit Assmus, Torsten Tonn, Florian H. Seeger, Chang-Hwan Yoon, David Leistner, Jens Klotsche, Volker Schächinger, Erhard Seifried, Andreas M. Zeiher, Stefanie Dimmeler, Red Blood Cell Contamination of the Final Cell Product Impairs the Efficacy of Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Therapy, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 55, Issue 13, 30 March 2010, Pages 1385-1394, ISSN 0735-1097,

100. ViaCord collaborated with Pall on the development and design of the first FDA Approved cord blood collection bag.

First FDA Clearance of Sterile Field Cord Blood Collection Bag. Pall Corporation Newsroom, 25 Apr. 2006.   Read More > 

101. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 68 children (or 14.7 per 1,000 eight-year-olds) in multiple communities in the United States has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Press Release: CDC estimates 1 in 68 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder, Thursday March 27th 2014.

102. Scientists don't know the exact causes of autism spectrum disorder.

National Institute of Mental Health: What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

103. Autism is a disorder that affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills and appear in the first 3 years of life.

Pub Med Health, "Autism: Pervasive developmental disorder - autism; Autistic spectrum disorder

104. Duke University: Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood Infusion for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

National Institutes of Health, Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood Infusion for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Accessed July 7, 2014.

105. Stem Cells from cord tissue may help improve transplant success when combined with stem cells from cord blood.

Wu K., Sheu J., Wu H., Tsai C., Sieber M., Peng C., Chao Y. “Cotransplantation of Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Hematopoietic Engraftment in Cord Blood Transplantation: A Pilot Study.” Transplantation Journal 95.5 (2013): 773-777.

106. 75% of Autism cases have unknown causes. Cord blood stem cells are known to have characteristics that could potentially help the underlying causes being investigated.

Miles JH (2011). Autism spectrum disorders – A genetics review. Genetics in Medicine, 13(4), 278-294. Accessed June 2014

107. Causes under investigation as contributing factors to the pathology of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

NeuroToxicology 29 (2008) 532-545 Neuronal Dysfunction. Pediatric Neurology Vol. 17 No. 1 Autoimmunity. Pathophysiology 13 (2006) 171-181 Oxydative Stress. Gesundheit B, Rosenzweig JP, Naor D, Lerer B, Zachor DA, Prochazka V, Melamed M, Kristt DA, Steinberg A, Shulman C, Hwang P, Koren G, Walfisch A, Passweg JR, Snowden JA, Tamouza R, Leboyer M, Farge-Bancel D, Ashwood P. J Immunological and autoimmune considerations of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autoimmun. 2013 Aug; 44:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2013.05.005. Epub 2013 Jul 15. Review.PMID: 23867105. NEJM, 370_1209 March 2014: Patches of Disorganization in the Neocortex of Children with Autism. Translational Med, 11;195, 2013. Transplantation of human cord blood mononuclear cells and umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells in autism. International Review of Neurobiology. Vol. 71 2005. Immunological Findings in Autism.J. Neuroimmunology. 173 (2006) Immune activation of peripheral blood and mucosal CD3+ lymphocyte cytokine profiles in children with autism and gastrointestinal symptoms. Nature, 2012. Autism - Complex disorder. 2009. PLEFA. Novel plasma phospholipid biomarkers of autism. Mitochondrial dysfunction as a putative causative mechanism. Onore C, Careaga M, Ashwood P: The role of immune dysfunction in the pathophysiology of autism. Brain Behav Immun 2012, 26(3): 383-392. Gardener H, Spiegelman D, Buka SL. Perinatal and neonatal risk factors for autism: a comprehensive meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2011 Aug; 128(2): 344-55.

108. Characteristics of cord blood stem cells that could potentially provide benefit to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Kurtzberg J, Kosaras B, Stephens C, Snyder EY. Umbilical cord blood cells engraft and differentiate in neural tissues after human transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2003;9:128-9. Haller, Exp Hematol. 2008 June;36(6); 710-715. Kurtzberg, 2014. J. of Peds. Feasibility of Autologous Cord Blood Cells for Infants with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy. Translational Med, 11; 195, 2013. Transplantation of human cord blood mononuclear cells and umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells in autism. Stroke. 2001. Chopp. IV Adm of UCB in Stroke. Kyunghoon Min, MD, CP Epo Korean Study, Stem Cells, Translational and Clinical Research., 2012. Translational Med. Stem Cell Therapy for Autism: Review. Park DH, Borlongan CV, Willing AE, Eve DJ, Cruz LE, Sanberg CD, Chung YG, Sanberg PR: Human umbilical cord blood cell grafts for brain ischemia. Cell Transplant 2009, 18(9):985-998. Liu WS, Chen CT, Foo NH et al. Human umbilical cord blood cells protect against hypothalamic apoptosis and systematic inflammation response during heatstroke in rats. Pediatr Neonatol 2009;50:208-216. Dasari VR, Veeravalli KK, Saving KL et al. Neuroprotection by cord blood stem cells against glutamate-induced apoptosis is mediated by Akt pathway. Neurobiol Dis 2008;32:486-498.

109. Cord blood stem cell therapy has great but unproven potential to significantly advance the treatment of patients with acquired and genetic brain diseases.

Jessica M. Sun, Joanne Kurtzberg. “Cord blood for brain injury.” Cytotherapy, 2015; 17: 775-785.

110. Family (Private) cord blood banking may serve a purpose as ‘medical insurance’ if regenerative techniques prove fruitful.

KK Ballen, F Verter and J Kurtzberg. “Umbilical cord blood donation: public or private?” Bone Marrow Transplantation (2015), 1–8, advance online publication, 1 June 2015; doi:10.1038/bmt.2015.124

111. When optimally dosed, cord blood may improve motor function in young children with cerebral palsy.

Jessica Sun, MD, Mohamad Mikati, MD, Jesse Troy, PhD, Kathryn Gustafson, PhD, Ryan Simmons, MS, Ricki Goldstein, MD, Jodi Petry, MS, OTR/L, Colleen McLaughlin, DNP, Barbara Waters-Pick, BS, MT(ASCP), Laura Case, PT, DPT, Gordon Worley, MD and Joanne Kurtzberg, MD. "Autologous Cord Blood Infusion for the Treatment of Brain Injury in Children with Cerebral Palsy." Oral and Poster Abstracts presentation. 57th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition; December 7, 2015; Orlando, FL. Abstract 925. 

112. Duke University: phase I study using sibling cord blood to treat children ages 1-6 years with cerebral palsy.

National Institutes of Health, Assessment of the Safety of Allogeneic Umbilical Cord Blood Infusions in Children With Cerebral Palsy. Accessed January 18, 2016. 

113. Storing cord blood in many compartments offers parents more options for participation in research studies.

Driscoll, Kimberly A., Suzanne Bennett Johnson, Desmond A. Schatz, and Michael J. Haller. "Use of a Precious Resource: Parental Decision Making about Using Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood in Studies Involving Young Children with Type 1 Diabetes." Contemporary Clinical Trials 32.4 (2011): 524-29.  Rosenau, Emma H., Michele W. Sugrue, Michael Haller, Diann Fisk, Susan S. Kelly, Myron Chang, Wei Hou, Lamis Eldjerou, William Slayton, Christopher R. Cogle, and John R. Wingard. "Characteristics of Thawed Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood." Transfusion 52.10 (2012): 2234-242.

114. If regenerative medicine research using cord blood shows beneficial effect, multiple dosing could be more advantageous than a single dose.

Sun, Jessica M., Gerald A. Grant, Colleen Mclaughlin, June Allison, Anne Fitzgerald, Barbara Waters-Pick, and Joanne Kurtzberg. "Repeated Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood Infusions Are Feasible and Had No Acute Safety Issues in Young Babies with Congenital Hydrocephalus."  Pediatric Research 78.6 (2015): 712-16. Sun, Jessica M., and Joanne Kurtzberg. "Cord Blood for Brain Injury." Cytotherapy 17.6 (2015): 775-85.

115. If stem cell expansion technologies are perfected, having multiple compartments could be ideal.

Rosenau, Emma H., Michele W. Sugrue, Michael Haller, Diann Fisk, Susan S. Kelly, Myron Chang, Wei Hou, Lamis Eldjerou, William Slayton, Christopher R. Cogle, and John R. Wingard. "Characteristics of Thawed Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood." Transfusion 52.10 (2012): 2234-242. Haller, M. J., C. H. Wasserfall, K. M. Mcgrail, M. Cintron, T. M. Brusko, J. R. Wingard, S. S. Kelly, J. J. Shuster, M. A. Atkinson, and D. A. Schatz. "Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood Transfusion in Very Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes." Diabetes Care 32.11 (2009): 2041-046.

116. Results of the Type 1 Diabetes study showed the treatment to be feasible and safe. Efficacy could not be demonstrated due to the follow-up study's small sample size.

Michael J. Haller, Clive H. Wasserfall, Kieran M. Mcgrail, et al.  "Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood Transfusion in Very Young Children With Type 1 Diabetes" Diabetes Care. 2009 Nov; 32(11): 2041–2046. doi: 10.2337/dc09-096Michael J. Haller, Clive H. Wasserfall, et al. "Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood Infusion followed by Oral Docosahexaenoic Acid and Vitamin D Supplementation for C-Peptide Preservation in Children with Type 1 Diabetes". 2013 Apr 20. doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2013.04.011

117. 10,000 babies born each year will develop Cerebral Palsy

118. Clinical trial to study effects of cord blood stem cells on acquired hearing loss.

Florida Hospital; Safety of Autologous Stem Cell Infusion for Children with Acquired Hearing Loss. In: [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). 2015- [cited 2015 Feb 10]. Available from: NLM Identifier: NCT02038972.

119. Safety Study of Autologous Umbilical Cord Blood Cells for Treatment of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

This is a Phase I study to determine the safety and feasibility of injections of autologous umbilical cord blood (UCB) cells into the right ventricle of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) children undergoing a scheduled Glenn surgical procedure. The investigators are doing this research study to find out if autologous stem cells from the individual's own umbilical cord blood can be used to strengthen the muscle of the right side of their heart. This will help determine the safety and feasibility of using cell-based regenerative therapy as an additional treatment for the management of HLHS.

120. Properties of Stem Cells - Neural pathway remodeling, neuroprotective.

Translational Med. Stem Cell Therapy for Autism ; Translational Med,11;195, 2013. Transplantation of human cord blood mononuclear cells and umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells in autism. ; Stroke. 2001. Chopp. IV Adm of UCB in Stroke.

121. Properties of Stem Cells - Immune modulation, anti-inflammatory

• Kurtzberg, 2014. J. of Peds. Feasibility of Autologous Cord Blood Cells for Infants with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy. 

• Haller, Exp Hematol. 2008 June;36(6); 710-715. 

• Translational Med. Stem Cell Therapy for Autism: Review.

122. Properties of Stem Cells - Support Endogenous Repair

Kurtzberg J, Kosaras B, Stephens C, Snyder EY. Umbilical cord blood cells engraft and differentiate in neural tissues after human transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2003;9:128-9.  Kyunghoon Min, MD, CP Epo Korean Study, Stem Cells, Translational and Clinical Research., 2012.  Liu WS, Chen CT, Foo NH et al. Human umbilical cord blood cells protect against hypothalamic apoptosis and systemic inflammation response during heatstroke in rats. Pediatr Neonatol 2009;50:208-216. Dasari VR, Veeravalli KK, Saving KL et al.Neuroprotection by cord blood stem cells against glutamate-induced apoptosis is mediated by Akt pathway. Neurobiol Dis 2008;32:486-498.

123. Cord Blood Infusion for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Duke ACT)

Asingle site, prospective, randomized, double-blind study of a single intravenous autologous or allogeneic, unrelated cord blood (CB) infusion in children ages 2-7 years with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

A single site, prospective, randomized, double-blind study of a single intravenous autologous or allogeneic, unrelated cord blood (CB) infusion in children ages 2-7 years with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

124. Effect of Autologous Cord Blood Infusion on Motor Function and Brain Connectivity in Young Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Sun, J. M., Song, A. W., Case, L. E., Mikati, M. A., Gustafson, K. E., Simmons, R., Goldstein, R., Petry, J., McLaughlin, C., Waters-Pick, B., Chen, L. W., Wease, S., Blackwell, B., Worley, G., Troy, J. and Kurtzberg, J. (2017), Effect of Autologous Cord Blood Infusion on Motor Function and Brain Connectivity in Young Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. STEM CELLS Translational Medicine. doi:10.1002/sctm.17-0102. Access:

125. Data and Statistics for Cerebral Palsy

Accessed November 2, 2017. Centers for Disease Control

126. Data and Statistics for Autism Spectrum Disorder - 1 in 54 Children

About 1 in 54 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. Published March, 2020.

128. Data and Statistics for Cerebral Palsy - 1 in 323 Children

About 1 in 323 children has been identified with CP according to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. Page last reviewed March 9, 2019 Content source: National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

129. Celiac Disease and Lactose Intolerance

Though celiac disease and lactose intolerance share many symptoms, e.g. diarrhea, gas, bloating and vomiting, the cause, severity and intervention are very different. Source: Beyond Celiac

130. Genetic Testing For Celiac Disease

The presence, absence, or a combination of these genes has been shown to be indicative of a predisposition for celiac disease. Source: Massachusetts General Hospital; Patient Education - Genetic Testing for Celiac Disease

130. Lactose Role of LCT Gene

The LCT gene provides your body instructions for making an enzyme called lactase, which helps to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. These variations have been shown to be indicative of a predisposition for lactose intolerance. Source: Mattar, R., de Campos Mazo, D. F., & Carrilho, F. J. (2012). Lactose intolerance: diagnosis, genetic, and clinical factors. Clinical and experimental gastroenterology, 5, 113–121.

132. 97% of those with celiac disease go undiagnosed

Although 97% of those with celiac disease go undiagnosed, earlier diagnosis lowers chance for developing other conditions. Source: Massachusetts General Hospital; Patient Education - Genetic Testing for Celiac Disease

133. Celiac Lifestyle Alterations

Although lifestyle alterations can improve quality of life and overall digestive health. Source: Cleveland Clinic

134. Celiac Left Untreated

Left untreated, celiac disease can lead to additional serious health problems. Source: Celiac Disease Foundation

135. Lactose Frequency

This disorder may present from 2 years old, depending on race and ethnicity, with around 65% - 70% of the population being affected at some point in life. Source: Medline Plus; Lactose Intolerance