Today's Treatments. Tomorrow's Breakthroughs.
The power and potential of umbilical cord stem cells
Your baby's umbilical cord is a rich source of cells including hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) found in the cord blood and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) found in the cord tissue. These stem cells are unique cells that have the qualities to help repair and heal the body in different ways.
Cord Blood Uses
Proven Uses In Transplant Medicine
Cancers | Blood Disorders | Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes | Metabolic Disorders | Immune Disorders | Other
Clinical Research Trials
Autism | Cerebral Palsy | Brain Injury | Type 1 diabetes
Learn More About How Cord Blood Is Used
Cord Tissue Uses Today
Although cord tissue is not quite ready for prime time yet, excitement is growing around its potential which is demonstrated by the increasing number of clinical trials using MSCs from cord tissue.
Clinical Research Trials
Parkinson’s Disease | Sports Injuries | Alzheimer’s | Autism